Throughout history, many spiritual healers have relied on information about their patients via energetics. This might take the form of aura colors, for example. Oftentimes, these healers were also looking to heal within the physical body, as well as in the emotional and spiritual. Over activity and weakness of a person's energy can affect all three of those aspects, and can be causal in illness and disease. The energy of the body of which I am speaking has been called by many names over the years. The Hindi refer to chakras and auras, and the energy patterns that flow through them. The Chinese utilize the terms chi or qi and shen in referring to the energy within and around the body. Western cultures often refer to the HEF- human energy fields, and so on. Each culture takes the information they gather from these energies to help create the healing tools they use in that culture.
The manner in which people go about healing is varied. There are the completely hands-off approaches, such as energy healing and prayer. There are also the hands-on techniques of massage, accupressure, tough therapy, and others. Gentle internal practices would include the use of herbs and medicines, while invasive techniques would include surgical procedures. There is not one right way to heal, rather, all aspects of healing can work together, and each should only be used in appropriate settings and situations.
The way in which an aura reading can contribute to the healing process is quite simple. Aura colors are believed to indicate the forms of energy that are working in and around a person, as well as the manner in which energy is flowing. A healing practitioner can use this information to inform their diagnosis or treatment. For many years, people did not have scientific proof of auras, and so many dismissed them. Today, thanks to the aura camera, proof of auras is beyond simple to obtain. Fortunately for those who already know the value of auras in healing, modern science has long proven that the human electo-magnetic field is exactly what is being viewed in an aura photo.
The aura camera itself is an invention that has totally revolutionized the way aura colors could be used in treatment, because it was then possible for the client themselves to see their aura. Even if you have complete faith that a person is telling you the truth about the color of your aura, actually seeing it yourself is still a much stronger experience for your brain that just being told about them. Beginning with Kirlian photography in the 70s, aura photography has grown into what it has become today, which is a system capable not only of still shots, but interactive video of a person's aura. A very basic explanation of how this works is that a biofeedback sensor collects information about the HEF and then translates that into the actual visual of the aura.
An aura is the three-dimensional energy field that surrounds the bodies of all beings and things. The healthier you are, the further the aura will extend out from your body.
How to read the Aura
Find a place where there isn't any harsh light. Focus on one part of your body, preferably your hand. Relax, concentrate on your hand lines. If you’re relaxed enough, you’ll see a certain color. With time you might be able to see several colors.
Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically. One way to see someone's aura is to have the subject stand in front of a white background. If you look at the person for a while you’ll see some sort of wavy lines of energies, and also maybe a couple of aura colors. There is also another exercise. As far as I know, the author of the following exercise is unknown, but I’d appreciate it if you emailed me their name so I could give them credit.
“Stand in front of a mirror at a distance of about half a meter, with a wall of neutral color some distance behind you. Alternatively, get a friend to stand about 1 meter away from you and 2 meters from a neutral wall.
Relax, and breathe deeply and evenly. Focus your eyes on the wall behind the head.
Gently sway your body from side to side (or tell your friend to if looking at someone else). As you stare past the outline of the head, you should be able to see an envelope of light - it's an aura! The room and subject should be illuminated by subdued lighting, but not in darkness or direct sunlight. Do not worry if you cannot see color at this stage, in time you may.”
Common Aura Colors
The following is a list of aura colors that are associated with the person’s conscious and subconscious state. The color spectrum varies with a person’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states.
• Red: The color of strength, passion, impulsiveness and will.
• Orange: Color of affection, kindness, and creativity. The muddier shades denote vanity, while golden orange represents self-control. Someone with orange in his/her aura may suffer from kidney troubles.
• Yellow: Mental activity, optimism, perfectionism, responsibility, sometimes shyness.
• Green: The color of sympathy and reliability. The person may be an effective healer. Dark shades of green however indicate one who is jealous or hesitant.
• Blue: The color of calm, and spiritual and material attainment. May sometimes represent a tendency to moodiness and depression.
• Indigo/Violet: The colors of the seeker who has inborn psychic and intuitive abilities. They represent an astounding ability in the handling of practical matters. Dark shades may show that the person is often misjudged and misunderstood. May indicate heart or stomach trouble.
• Black: The color of self-protection. The person is good at ‘wearing masks’.
• Pink: A compassionate person who is fond of the arts. Darker shades of pink may point to immaturity and irresponsibility.
• White: Purity and honesty. A color associated with spiritually evolved persons.
• Silver: The person might be pregnant or is going to be soon! However, this is not always so. Seeing this may indicate a person who is allowing great creativity in their life.
Sometimes you experience the interplay of an outside energy field upon your aura.
You can tell this is happening to you in the following circumstances:
• When you are around some people and you feel ‘drained’ and weak.
• When you feel there is someone staring at you intensely.
• When you have an instant liking or disliking for someone you’ve just met.
• When you sense someone’s presence before you saw this person....
Possible Physics of the Human Energy Field as Indicated From High Sense Perception Observations
Barbara Brennen
As a longtime practitioner and teacher of energy healing, Barbara Brennan presented her model of the human energy field (abbreviated as HEF or Aura). Her knowledge of the HEF is not abstract or coming from second hand information. Instead, it comes from many years of practice at entering into an expanded state of awareness in which she can "see" the energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates all things: humans, animals, cells, and even microscopic DNA.
Levels of the Human Energy Field (HEF)
Using slides as a visual aid, Brennan’s presentation enumerated four aspects of the human energy field that she has perceived during many years of practice:
1. The physical body
2. The aura, which has seven levels of structured and unstructured fields, each with seven chakras, or energy vortices, located along the human spine
3. The Hara line, which runs vertically up the spine and inside the auric vertical power current
4. The Core Star, which is the inner Divine within all things
Brennan began by pointing out that many cultures have made references to something that lies beyond and below the human physical body. According to Brennan’s observations, the human aura has at least seven levels, and she has observed many more but kept the discussion to the lower seven. Of these seven levels, every other one is structured (1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th), meaning they have a specific pattern to them. These levels look like standing beams or avenues of light in which particles are flowing. The even numbered levels are unstructured, and Brennan sees in them types of energetic bio-plasma composed of fluid light. The different levels of the fields are like frequency bands that encircle and penetrate the physical body. When she is feeling them, the fields feel like currents of wind or energy. They look like colored streams of bio-plasma of different consistencies, which vary depending on the auric level.
For Brennan, the fields are both "deeper" and "higher" than the physical body. While most scientists try to explain energetic phenomenon, such as acupuncture meridians or the HEF, as derivative processes of the physical body, Brennan, in contrast, sees the physical body as being derivative of the human energy field itself. In short, the energy-body is primary, and the physical-material body is derivative. Take, for example, the physical processes of growth in nature, such as a leaf on a tree. According to Brennan, the leaf grows into an energetic pattern that is already there. We just cannot see the energy-body that the physical leaf is growing into. Every cell and organ inside our physical body is wrapped in layers of light. They flow through all physical structures, even though common human perception cannot see them—at least not yet.
Brennan shared another example that demonstrates this pattern as well. According to her observations of the HEF, an unborn child-soul that wishes to be born into the physical plane of existence will come to her potential mother’s field and establish energetic relational cords to the mother’s heart chakra before birth. If the cord connections cannot be made, the mother won’t get pregnant.
In expanded states of awareness, Brennan can open her consciousness to the 4th level (the astral level), where all types of non-physical imagery start to emerge, such as light beings and hell beings. At the 5th level (the template level), in addition to spiritual beings, Brennan has observed intricate geometric patterns that serve as the energetic and architectural template for all forms of our physical level. At the 6th, 7th levels and beyond, Brennan has observed Spiritual Beings of Light.
The Chakras
The human chakra system has been referred to by ancient Indian religious texts as well as by Western esoteric traditions, such as Jewish Kaballistic teachings and alchemical texts. According to Brennan’s observations, these texts confirm what she herself can see: there are 7 chakras (which look like swirling funnels of energy extending from the spinal column out beyond the physical body) that align themselves vertically up the human spinal cord. The first chakra rests at the base of the spine and the seventh is at the top of the head. The fourth is right in the center of the chest, frequently called the heart chakra, and there are three above it (5,6,7) and three below it (1,2,3). When a person is healthy, their chakras spin clockwise, pull in energy, and are in alignment vertically up and down the spinal cord. Healers work to restructure and balance the chakras and the HEF of people who are sick or emotionally upset. Brennan has frequently used voice toning to remove blockages from unhealthy chakras and the HEF.
The Hara Dimension
Even deeper than the human energy field and the chakras is the Hara line. This is a place of deep calm due to the fact that it is a zero-point energy field, apparently lacking magnetic polarity. According to Brennan, the Hara line is a solid pole of intentionality that runs vertically through the center of the human body connecting us upwardly to the sky and downwardly to the center of the earth. When working with a person’s Hara line, Brennan tries to connect that person’s intentionality with the center of the earth in order to foster a calm and grounded feeling.
According to Brennan, the Hara dimension is associated with human intentionality and our soul’s incarnational task to be accomplished in this body and lifetime. Brennan emphasized that the energy that she sees in the HEF is never separate from a person’s thoughts and feelings. For example, when someone’s mind is feeling calm and positive that will be reflected in their HEF. In fact, everything a person experiences has a correlation in their HEF. Every thought, feeling, sensation, and emotion can be seen in the field. Brennan noted that when she looks at the HEF, she sees much more information than she could ever possibly communicate. The HEF is robust with information and activity. Brennan also pointed out that most healers work with the HEF without the ability to perceive it and many do not understand the functional relationship between the Hara and the HEF. This discrepancy sometimes has lead to confusion amongst those who are trying to understand the energetic basis of healing.
The Core Star
The Hara line is located inside the layers of the HEF and the chakras and on another dimension. The Hara line is the foundation of the HEF and correlates to our intentionality. So what is inside the foundation of the Hara? According to Brennan’s observations, within the Hara lies our inner Divine Core that is our connection to the Eternal Divine. When looking at this dimension, Brennan sees brilliant light just above then navel that is the individuated divine within. It is from here that creativity upwells from our center within, seemingly coming from other dimensions.
Health and Diagnosis of Disease
One of the greatest benefits of Brennan’s ability to see the human energy field is its implication for revolutionizing health care. According to Brennan, common diseases, such as cancer, can be detected before they take on physical form. Picking up on this theme, Marilyn Schlitz noted that CAT scans frequently will miss cancer cells until it is too late. Thus, healers, such as Brennan could be effective in diagnosing illnesses that have not even formed yet physically.
When looking at the HEF of cancer patients, Brennan has seen the adverse effects of chemotherapy upon a person’s field. For example, the normally flowing and healthy bio-plasma of the unstructured levels turns brown and stagnant. Brennan also noted that energy healers can help organ transplants be much more successful by cohering the energy that surrounds the tranplanted organ with the new body.
Of particular relevance for this conference, Brennan believes that the human healing process is rooted in our intentionality that arises in the Hara level. Creative and healing energy upwells from our Core Star deep within us and then filters through the intentions we hold in our Hara level and is then precipitated down through the HEF level as thought, feeling, and will, before descending into the physical body as health or disease. Thus, in Brennan’s system, human intentionality has a direct influence on our ability to heal.
Brennan believes that energy healers can also speed the recovery of common injuries. For example, when working with someone with a sprained ankle, Brennan will re-build the energy lines and help the bio-plasma start to flow again. She has seen this reduce the level of swelling and speed up the healing process to 30 to 45 minutes, rather than two weeks on crutches.
When observing her clients, Brennan has noticed that emotional traumas appear as frozen bio-plasma. Good energy healers help the plasma to flow again. Importantly, Brennan noted that the physical presence of the patient is not necessary to conduct a healing session. The work can be conducted non-locally as well as locally.
Time and Other Dimensions
Brennan believes that the seven levels of the aura are all on the same dimension of space-time. When she enters an expanded state of awareness, her consciousness can travel to other dimensions. She indicated that any of us can take the time to clear our chakras and align our fields and thereby be open enough to experience other dimensions. At levels of the HEF well above the 7th, Brennan experiences higher frequencies and patterns that only seem to be accessible when her consciousness is in a refined state.
After hearing that Brennan can see into the past and future while doing her healing work on her clients, George Leonard asked if the future is determined? Brennan believes the future is filled with probabilities and possibilities but is not determined. Sometimes when she meets spirit guides, they will reveal future events to her. On many occasions, Brennan has seen people’s past lives. The longer most people have been out of the body (after physical death) the higher in frequency they become, as they go through their growth process in higher realms before returning to physical incarnation.
Western Science and the Human Energy Field
Brennan believes there is a continuum between the energies we can measure now with our current instrumentation and the energies we cannot yet measure. One of Brennan’s priorities is to help advance the technological sophistication of our current instrumentation. On this note, she mentioned a book by Albert Davis and Walter Rawles called Magnetism and Its Effects On The Living System (Exposition Press, 1974). These authors have looked at the relationship between the physical body, cells, and electromagnetism. If mainstream science will ever succeed in measuring the HEF, Brennan believes they will discover the first level of the aura, which is most akin to what we call "energy."
On this note, Beverly Rubik mentioned the work of Valerie Hunt, who has been measuring the aura by way of high electromagnetic frequencies around the muscles and claiming it correlates to certain colors that psychics see. Brennan believes those are the colors of the 2nd and 4th level of the HEF.