Saturday, April 11, 2009


The Human Energy Field (HEF) or subtle energy field is comprised of the aura, chakras
and meridians. These terms are now becoming more mainstream as the general
public becomes aware of the value of acupuncture, massage, and of course – Reiki.
Imagine our bodies in terms of layers that have major and minor arteries and energy
centers. You might see it as an energy matrix or grid or highway with entrance points,
gateways, and transformers. The chakras or energy centers are like transformers, the
meridians like pathways and the aura a multi-layered, egg-shaped energy field. The
term “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit, a sacred Indian language, and means “wheel
of light.” You might also see it described as a spinning vortex or power center.

Even though Mikao Usui did not teach the chakra system, he did use techniques to
build the energy flow through the meridians and to strengthen the hara center. The
Hara or Tan Tien is the location of original life force energy we are all born with.
(Reference Diane Stein’s “Essential Reiki” p.34) Hawayo Takata was aware of the tara
method and is not known to have taught the chakra system in the West. A number of
her students included the chakra system into the modern teachings of Reiki, including
them in the techniques and the attunement process.

The seven major energy centers in the physical body (based on the endocrine glands)
have correspondences in the other layers (etheric, astral, mental, spiritual) of the aura.
With each chakra there is also an association with color (viewed by clairvoyants in the
etheric field) as well as a relationship or connection with other attributes, symbols or
issues. For example, the rainbow colors – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and
violet – are related to the seven major chakras located at the base of the spine, sacral
center, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown. On another level, the basic
qualities of chakras as written about by Caroline Myss are listed as follows:

Root Chakra – groundedness, family identity, bonding
Sacral Chakra – creativity, survival instincts, sexuality
Solar Plexus Chakra – self respect, self esteem, ethics
Heart Chakra – love and compassion
Throat Chakra – choice, faith, personal authority
Third Eye Chakra – wisdom, intellectual skills, inspiration
Crown Chakra – inner divinity, inner guidance

These qualities or correspondences can help the client focus on or clarify an
intention. This may help the practitioner focus on a chakra or location for hand
placements. As mentioned, there are other major and minor chakras, all serving a
particular function and purpose. So what is the importance of the chakra system in
relation to Reiki? Diane Stein says all we need to know in Reiki I are the hand
positions in relation to the seven major chakras. Yes, we can reference each chakra,
its physical location and the effects of imbalance in that particular part of the body.
Since Reiki works on the cause and effect, understanding the mental/emotional/
spiritual root can assist us in understanding the physical effect. Knowing about a
disease may help us decide which hand position to use. Just think of “The Original
Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui” which lists treatment positions. But is this part of
our role as Reiki practitioners? During a Reiki treatment we find that the chakras
become balanced and we may sense/visualize whether chakras are open or closed,
blocked, etc. In other words, we find energy blockages are cleared with the use of
Reiki. Some teachers may show you which chakras work well in pairs, where to place
hands. Some Reiki practitioners list chakra healing in their repertoire. Teachers may
show you (so you can show others) how to sense the aura and what subtle energy
feels like.

Worth mentioning are the five paragraphs that William Rand has written about the
aura, chakras and meridians. He states that treating the chakras can also be an
important part of giving a Reiki treatment. In fact, Lawrence Ellyard and other authors
write about using a specific sequence of symbols for chakra balancing. Indeed other
teachers have developed techniques or systems in working with the chakra system.

A further discussion on some of the other chakras is given by Walter Lubeck in the
article “Understanding the Body of Light” published in Reiki News magazine in which
he references nadis (meridians) and aura chakras. While there are many books and
articles concerning the chakra system, their study is both fascinating and
To sum up, awareness of the chakras in relation to Reiki:

Makes describing the hand placements easier.
Gives us a relationship between chakras and organs.
Increases our knowledge of how Reiki works in the attunement process.
Helps us understand the needs of clients.
Enables us to use Reiki for further chakra balancing.
Increases our ability to converse about the holistic relationship between the
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms.
Gives us a new and brighter world to explore with our consciousness.

In our Reiki practice we are concerned with health and balance. The chakra system is
designed to be healthy and balanced. Knowing about the chakras can only expand our
conscious awareness of who we truly are and what magnificent beings we truly are.
Here we have an intricate world that is awesome and one we can experience in many
ways. Are the worlds of Reiki and chakras connected? You decide

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